Development of an energy strategy for the federal province of Carinthia, Austria
Main focus: Analysis of the potential of renewable energies in the province of Carinthia,
support for energy system modeling, support for the development of political measures, support for the stakeholder process
Client: Carinthian Provincial Government.
Project partners: Lead: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Partners: Nordhausen - University of Applied Sciences, GET Innovation (Consulting Engineer for electrical engineering)
Forest mapping Strudengau (Lower Austria)
Project work for: CoopNatura (Office for Ecology & Nature Conservation)
Grassland mapping Böhmerwald (Upper Austria)
Project work for: CoopNatura (Office for Ecology & Nature Conservation)
Councilor in the Austrian Biodiversity Council
Elaboration of contents, positions and statements on different biodiversity relevant issues.
DI Nina Weber, M.Sc
Mobil: +43 (0)650 9246162
Adresse: Flatschacherstrasse 134/4/7, 9020 Klagenfurt