Impact analysis of photovoltaic plants on biodiversity, taking into account the diverse natural conditions of the Austrian landscape
Research project to create an empirical knowledge base regarding the effects of photovoltaic systems on biodiversity in the various habitats in Austria.
Funded project: Climate research programme "StartClim". Project work together with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna.
EOai4BIO - Earth observation based hybrid artificial intelligence methods for monitoring habitat distribution and diversity
Research project to explore a remote sensing based method development for the purpose of automated delineation and detection of FFH habitat types, according to Annex I of the Fauna-Flora-Habitat
Directive of the EU.
Funded project: FFG (Austrian Space Applications Programme - Austrian Funding Agency for Economic Research)
Publication at: https://www.zoobot.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/00_Acta-160_Gesamt.pdf
2018 - 2019
Evidence based vegetation analysis for the Project LIFE+ - Habitats in the river mouth of the river Traisen (LIFE07
Documentation of the development of still- and sidewaters and macrophytes.
Project work for: Naturraumplanung Egger (Engineering office for landscape planning)
Publication: Egger G. Weber N. (2019): Vegetationsökologische Beweissicherung im Rahmen des Projekts LIFE+ Lebensraum im Mündungsabschnitt des Flusses Traisen. Endbericht Dokumentation der Entwicklung von Still- und nebengewässern -Makrophyten. Verbund Hydor Power GmbH Klagenfurt. Unter: https://www.life-traisen.at/de-at/informationsveranstaltungen
EO4BTAlp - Earth observation for biotope - and habitat mapping in the alpine zone
Development of a remote-sensing based methodology for habitat (biotope) mapping.
Project work for: Naturraumplanung Egger and Z_GIS
FFG - Projectdatabase: https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/2808324
2014 - 2015
Environmental quality in the urban and rural regions of Austria and its influence on quality of life
Project work for: The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Austria.
In: Egartner, S. und Weber, N. (2015): Lebensqualität der land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Bevölkerung sowie Umweltqualität in urbanen und ländlichen Regionen Österreichs. At: https://bab.gv.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1844:lebensqualit%C3%A4t-der-land-und-forstwirtschaftlichen-bev%C3%B6lkerung-sowie-umweltqualit%C3%A4t-in-urbanen-und-l%C3%A4ndlichen-regionen-%C3%B6sterreichs&catid=136&lang=de&Itemid=550
2012 - 2013
Social farming
Project work for: The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Austria.
Wiesinger G., Quendler E., Hoffmann C., Di Martino A., Egartner S., Weber N., Hambrusch J. (2013): Soziale Landwirtschaft – Situation und Potenziale einer Form der Diversifizierung land- und forstwirtschaftlicher Betriebe in Österreich, Südtirol und Trentino. Bundesanstalt für Bergbauernfragen. Wien. Unter: https://bab.gv.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1710:fb66-soziale-landwirtschaft&catid=135&lang=de&Itemid=550
2010 - 2011
Evaluation of changes in the landscape in an alpine habitat regarding selected effects on biodiversity
Project work for: The Nature Park Kaunergrat.
Weber, N. (2011): Impacts of structural changes on the diversity of an alpine landscape. Wien. Unter: http://permalink.obvsg.at/bok/AC08524861